El Cadejo is a mythical creature deeply ingrained in the folklore and cultural traditions of Central America. This ...

Have you ever experienced the eerie feeling of being followed or watched while hiking in the woods? If ...

There are several cryptids in cryptozoology that are often described as apes or ape-like creatures. According to reports, ...

Pukwudgies are enchanted entities dwelling within wooded and swampy regions, recognized as embodiments of forest spirits. Appearance Pukwudgies, ...

The Squonk, also known as Lacrimacorpus dissolvens, is a creature from folklore that is said to inhabit the ...

The Amazon region of Peru is the site of many unusual and fascinating stories, but few are as ...

The Dingonek is a mythical monster and cryptid said to live in the rivers and swamps of Africa. ...

In fictional world, myths and folklore, werebears were originally lycanthropic shapeshifters capable of transforming into a bipedal bear ...

Almost everywhere, legends of an ape-like humanoid creature persist. Around the North Americans may know one as a ...

Werehyenas are creatures from East Africa and the Near East in the other words they originate from African ...