19 Werebears Facts That Make Them Cooler Than Other Werewolves

In fictional world, myths and folklore, werebears were originally lycanthropic shapeshifters capable of transforming into a bipedal bear formation. They were directed by their animal disposition to protect the splendors of nature, while their human minds led them to assist travelers. This compilation of fictional facts allows you to know the things about werebears that makes them better than other lycanthropic shapeshifters.

1 In Bear Form, They Are Monstrous, Muscular & Wild

Werebears mythology facts

The humanoid forms of mythical werebears were usually large, heavily muscled, and covered with the hairs. The hairs on werebears were thick, hirsute, and males typically had beards and the color of their hair varied from brown to black to blonde to even red or ivory. They wore simple garments that could be easily removed from them. It is most often observed that their ursine forms look similar to brown bears, although their human forms often had the same color hair as their bear forms fur, with brown hair being generic in forests and ivory hair generic in polar regions; it means frozen areas.

As well as this, they also had a hybrid formation with paws and long claws that looked similar to a bipedal bear.

2 Werebears Are Not Mostly Evil & They Supposed Themselves Protector Of Civilization or Wildlife

Werebears mythology facts

In general, It is thought that almost entirely werebears were generally well-natured and wanted to help other members of their communities. In most cases, they viewed themselves as the protectors standing in the middle of civilization and the natural world.

It was believed, As a way of intercepting themselves from injuring others in their communities, Werebears took control of their beastliness and separated themselves from them. When they were in the form of a bear, they were moody and grumpy, actively discovering evil entities to kill or destroy.

It was particularly hated by werebears that lycanthropes were evil; it means sinful lycanthropes. However, there were also a few werebears who shared their evil nature.

3Werebears Prefer To Use Weapons Before They Get Into Their Full Bear Form

Werebears mythology facts

There was an especially sharp sense of smell in werebears, regardless of their form or it didn’t matter what form the werebears took. Although they liked weapons that enabled them to use their power or strength more effectively, werebears usually armed themselves with weapons such as throwing axes, great axes and knives, as well as other enterprising weapons.

They would only use their bear or hybrid forms when they were in danger of dying or in the other words, it was only necessary for them to take on their bear or hybrid forms if they were threatened with death. During their bear forms, werebears grew larger and could climb and swim much faster. Additionally, as a result, they were able to grasp enemies with remarkable ease, giving them a strong grip or better hold with their sharp paws.

It was not unusual for werebears in hybrid form to select amidst wielding an axe or slashing at their foes with their incredible claws.

Despite their strong teeth, they avoid biting their contradictors in order to avoid becoming transformed themselves. Once they transform, they can not be killed by ordinary weaponry, so they needed silver or magical weapons to permanently harm them.

They could also summon any bear within a mile radius to their destination or location. There was a high probability that werebears would become rangers, wildlife priests or druids.

4 Wearbear Lives Near Waterways In Forests

Werebears mythology facts

The majority of werebears lived in forests near waterways on the frontier of civilization, where they were companionless creatures. As with most lycanthropes, there were correct and infected fellows of the species, the former of which were born and were Incommutably, while the latter were changed by a bite from another member of this bear species.

5 According To Folklore, A Wearbear Take Birth In The Form Of Human & Become Humanoid At The Age Of Eight

It is said that females would bear between one and two children in human form, who would appear humanoid until they reached the age of eight. After that, they could transform into large brushy bears, and the mother would chase the teenagers away in order to carry on with the cycle.

An average werebear asserted a realm of one to four miles and sensed a sense of attachment to it and were close to their houses. They were able to bond with other ursines much effortlessly because of their natural compassion. Even in their human form, transformed individuals received unbelievable physical strength and powers.

6 They Are Also Known For Their Protective Behavior & Are Usually Opponents Of Wicked Lycanthropes (Werehyena Or Werewolves)

As with normal bears, werebears were able to eat anything, like better to eat miniature mammals and fish. They also enjoy a kind of honey-rich mead, which was extremely stupefying to ordinary humanoids. There were some natural hunters for them, but they were the opponents of wicked lycanthropes, including werewolves or werehyena, which they often shared realms with, wererats as well.

7 Werebears Are Generally Social With Their Clans & Society

Werebears mythology facts

A strong sense of community existed among werebears despite their isolationist temperament and independent lifestyle. In addition to not attacking each other, they enabled other werebears to fish in their fishing areas and protected them from other lycanthropes. In most cases, older werebears guided the new adolescents. They would only impart their curses to willing fellows and colleagues, and personally taught them how to temper their bestial impulses before passing them on. Almost never entering villages except in emergencies or to give a hand to the forces of good, mostly opposed to wicked lycanthropes, they worked as guardians of their realms, defending the wilderness from the destroyer and over hunters.

It was difficult to convince them to leave their homes because they were mostly sedentary. They rarely joined adventuring parties; the adolescents were more probable to do so, and they would only serve as guides in exchange for reasonable payment.

8 Wearbears Are Also Known For Hiding Their Valuable Assets To Their Homes

It was common for werebears to hide their treasures in their living areas; it means homes, which often included gems, coins and other valuables. Their service was also rewarded with magical items, such as potions or scrolls, although they demolished those that could influence bears or lycanthropes so that they could not be used in opposition to them in any way.

9 They Prefer To Roam The Forest In Smaller Groups

Despite never marrying, werebears had desirable companions they would meet occasionally. They lived in small groups of two to four, sometimes with wild bears. They liked to live in cabins near water drifts that were plentiful.

10 They Are Usually Found In Faerun Continent

In fictional world, Various forests in north Faerûn (a fictional continent), such as Mistledale and Shadowdale along with the Pool of Yeven, where werebears could be found.

Werebears lived in Rashemen’s forests, the interior uplands of Aglarond, and Yuirwood in the Unapproachable East.

11 A Wearbear Mother Can’t Transmit Lycanthropy To A New Born Child

Werebears mythology facts

A werebear can transmit the bear strain of lycanthropy through bites or clawing sore given or through blood commutation while in bear or hybrid appearance. It is also possible for the disease to be contracted from the vaccination, a phenomenon that was once far more common than people realize, but advances in medicine have made this less likely. Despite the fact that lycanthropy has not been noted among werebears it means there are no known cases where lycanthropy is transmitted from mother to child. However, this condition is occasionally in the werebears; it means a werebear mother rarely carries a child to term or condition, because changing shape or in the other words shapeshifting practically always results in miscarriage. When he was in bear or hybrid form during copulation, a werebear father can be transmitted “Mowgli Syndrome”’ to the child. Once converted, lycanthropes are invulnerable to other strains of lycanthropy (except the 30 or so panweres existing in the world, of which only four are based in the United States), as well as vampirism (except for the hybrids made by the Mother of All Darkness).

12 An Adult Werebear Can Easily Perform Benchpresses With A Heavy Car

Lycanthropes are a type of werecreature that possess strength and speed far beyond anything a human has or in the other words like all lycanthropes, werebears possess great strength, immense speed and power that mortal humans couldn’t ever hope to match. They can bench press cars easily and move so quickly they seem like a blur to the human eye.

13 Werebears Can’t Survive In Extreme Cold Temperatures

Lycanthropes have metabolisms that are much faster than those of humans, which is why they require to expend more calories (and why they restore to health so fast) and for the reason that their bodies are almost always warmer than humans it means their body temp is higher than our human race. Cold temperatures, infrequently used to dismantle fever in humans but cold temperatures are dangerous for werebears as it sends their body temp decreases, making them feel worse instead of better when exposed to it – they require moderate temperatures or above in order to heal.

14 Silver Can Burn Werebear & They Even Can Be Affected By Metal or Fire Based Wounds

Lycanthropes may seem invulnerable, but there are certain things they cannot heal from them. Although they aren’t exposed to many poisons and diseases, lycanthropes are highly sensitive to silver. Lycanthropes that are mainly harmed by silver will be burned by silver just via touching it. They also have a mild pain attached to wounds made of more than just silver – these wounds will disappear over time. However, if the metal isn’t ingested or contacted with a skin wound, it won’t burn them. Silver-made wounds also heal at human speed. They can, however, heal slowly from wounds made by other metal types such as fire or metal created by a lycanthrope outside of their species.

15 Werebears May Develop Permanent Bear Characteristics If They Remains Longer Times In Particular Form

Although they are usually hard to distinguish from other humans based on their faster metabolisms, werebears have a natural form that resembles human beings. If they spend too much time in bear form, some characteristics may persist or long lasting – for example, they may have bear eyes, unusually long and sharp canine teeth, and a rough voice.

Changing into a werebear is hard, there are many different stages of transformation. Depending on the age and capability of the werebear involved, this transformation can take some time. Werebears tend to shift more neatly and rapidly when they’ve had lots of practice, while newer werebears often take longer – they may need several minutes for their bodies to break down and improve. It could take hours or days. They pass through the phases: bones snap and reform, fur spills out, a fluid-type good being produced, their body transforms and sometimes violently shakes. There is always a lot of energy spent in changing forms, so it might be necessary for them to go on hunting trips after shifting to continue feeding their need for meat. Any type of scarring will fade slowly if it was acquired during the transformation process; in other words it will heal any fresh wounds or even scars – even if they were acquired after being bitten by a lycanthrope.

When a werebear shifts into their bear form, they typically shift for six to eight hours and then sleep for the same amount of time, in that pattern. If an alpha werebear shifts back after being in bear form for only a few hours, they’ll experience even less sleep than that. Spending too long in bear form can hamper the ability to shift back into human – at first only small characteristics will remain suggestive of the old shape, but the longer they stay alteration the more they lose their human disposition, and eventually madness can result. The risk is not as high if you’re in werebears form.

16 Werebears’ Aggression Reach At Peak On Full-Moon Days Along With Their Powers

Werebears mythology facts

Every werebear is affected by the moon in different ways. During a full moon, all werebears must shift, and in doing so their power and control is at their apex. Though it’s hard to resist shifting if the moon is quite close to being full, many things can trigger a werebear’s aggressive behavior. These things include heightened emotional states during sex, as well as other scents like blood.

With increased control, lycanthropes can choose when to shift and when not to. Though it can be harder to resist shifting into bear form, lupines are able to consciously choose not to, which is preferred. Being triggered accidentally (rather than consciously) can result in a lack of control over their beast and memory loss in the first six months. The next six months begin a successive development of disposal, ideally.

17 During Copulation, A Shifting Of Anyone Can Be Disastrous For Other Partner

It is a dangerous situation for a lycanthrope to have sex, otherwise known as the “killing dance”, as it can trigger a shift that is not wanted. This is recognized as normal between two lycanthrope partners – not shifting during sex can be considered holding back (some lycanthropes find it insulting). When a lycanthrope has sex with a humanoid, a shift can be calamitous: at best, they will severely damage and contagious their associate, at worst, they will criticize them to kill.

18 Even They Have Hierarchy & Ranking In Their Society

Werebears mythology facts

Werebears generally belong to a clan called a “sleuth”, which is a group of werebears who live together in the same territory. There are some rules in a sleuth, and they vary depending on the particular clan’s living habits, but most clans don’t have many rules if visitors stay away from activities with other members of the sleuth. If someone plans to do something that would cause trouble with the sleuth, they must ask for permission first, and then offer up any goods or services as an apology for offending them. Becoming a member of that clan requires their permission – anything else is seen as challenging their authority, which makes you an outlaw of sorts and displays you as untrustworthy. Some ursas/ursuses also require their members to make tithe.

The elusive secret to success with the sleuth is building a strict hierarchy of dominance. A strict hierarchy exists in the bear world. The Ursa and/or Ursus are at the top, followed by unranked bears, who decide positions based on strength and power. Alphas are above more submissive bears. It’s ok to not get along. For example, if a more dominant bear gives a less dominant one an order, it will be followed within reason. Non-werebears can be considered dominant over sleuth members because they’re not werebears.

When two lycanthropes are greeting each other, it is important to be dominant, lest there be harms between them. There are many different greetings that signal dominance and submission, but the most prevalent is a formal greeting where one lupine sticks their nose in the other’s crotch and rubs their cheeks with theirs. When in public they both lower their heads with closed eyes and then give a softer violation touching under the chin to show they’re humble. Otherwise, they run their tongue along the other’s lower lip while holding hands. When these powerful alphas meet, there can be tension between them. More often than not it will turn violent – as if the claws of one werebear were ripping into the insides of another werebear – but no bodily harm is done apart from a brief slapping sensation between lycanthropes as if they’re fighting for dominance to show off how strong they are over each other’s beasts. For this situation physical contact intensifies the feeling causing either one alpha to dominate over the other or ending in an abduction stand-still just like in normal trysts.

19 A Mighty Werebear Urag Had Unforgettable Role in “Seventh Son”

Werebears mythology facts

It is Urag who is a minor antagonist in Seventh Son Film, which was released in the year of 2014. In addition, Urag is also a shapeshifter; it means type of a Werebear.