Darkness Manipulation refers to the capability of managing darkness or shadows. As darkness can be a vague notion, ...

Have you ever experienced the eerie feeling of being followed or watched while hiking in the woods? If ...

Technopathy is a superpower that allows individuals to communicate and control electronic devices with their minds. Essentially, technopaths ...

Pukwudgies are enchanted entities dwelling within wooded and swampy regions, recognized as embodiments of forest spirits. Appearance Pukwudgies, ...

In the world of Eternia, heroes and villains battle for control of the universe. One of the most ...

“Avatar 2” is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2009 film “Avatar,” directed by James Cameron. The movie ...

Nyarlathotep is a fictional character in the works of H.P. Lovecraft, is considered an “outer god” in the ...

Cthugha is a fictional deity appearing in the works of H.P. Lovecraft shared universe of mythos, a renowned ...

Ithaqua is a supernatural entity created by writer H.P. Lovecraft in the shared universe of cosmic horror known ...

Kthanid is a deity first introduced in the novel “The Transition of Titus Crow” written by British author ...