25 Biggest Bull Breeds In The World

Cows and bulls are among the most beautiful and heaviest organisms known to exist, giving them the ability to grow in size and strength. You now know what we mean. Not all bulls are alike, some are bigger and others more jacked up than usual. With animals that weigh in at thousands of pounds each, you can imagine how big the bulls are. And some of these bulls are truly terrifying, perhaps even giants. So make sure you stick around to see the biggest bull breeds forum around the world.

Regardless of largest breeds, don’t forget to check individual biggest bulls who got fame along with their caretakers.

1 Jafarabadi Bulls

Jafarabadi bulls are the heaviest buffalo breed in all of India. They are one of the highest milk-yielding buffaloes in the world. Weighing between 4629 to 5180 pounds, they have a unique appearance with their long horns that look like floppy ears or curved trunks. This shows like Mother Nature couldn’t decide about their unusual appearance and ears, but Jaffarabadi Bulls eventually became well-known for their unique body type, so named after the town of Jaffarabad.

The Jafarabadi buffalo is a type of riverine buffalo that originated in Gujarat, India. Roughly 25,000 buffaloes are estimated to exist worldwide. This breed was the product of a cross between an African buffalo and an Indian buffalo. These bull animals have the ability to take on a lion and they unfortunately don’t produce the highest quality semen.

2 Aberdeen Angus

Aberdeen Angus Bulls, they are known to be peaceful-bred cattle that don’t come off aggressive. The males weigh up to 1870 lbs in weight and are profitable for farmers, while the females weigh less with an average weight of 210 lbs, Which is generally the case with bovine’s. Sometimes the weather can make a big difference in animal appearance. Contradictory to what you may believe, there are two types of Aberdeen Angus, both of which come in Black and Red coat colors. They’re either polled or naturally hornless.

There are two types of Aberdeen Angus. The Black Angus is the more common and it typically has a Black coat with some Red White and Brown spots on its body partly due to several recessive genes. On the other hand, the Red Angus generally has a red or reddish coat with white White and Brown spots on its body; this is due to its purebred pattern of genotypes. Both these bulls are either polled or naturally hornless. Scottish beef cattle, Aberdeen Angus is from the agricultural region of Aberdeenshire and northeastern Scotland.

3 Gaur

Gaur is one of the largest bull in the world that grows up to 2.3 meters in height and has a weight of up to 1.5 tons. The length of their body is usually shortened to no more than 3 meters, while their horn curves in the form of a crescent, with an average growth of up to 90 centimeters.

Gaurs, an endangered species of wild animal. They are native to India, Pakistan, Thailand and Bangladesh. They live primarily in dense forests and are most active during the daytime but go on a nocturnal lifestyle if they encroach on a human dwelling. There have been efforts to save them in the wild. There are about 20,000 Gaurs and they’re on the brink of extinction.

4 Wild Yak

One of the largest bull breed is the Wild Yak. They are usually found in regions like Tibet, Tajikistan, India, and China, but there are records of them all across Asia. They can grunt to indicate when they feel deprived, which is unique among other animals. The largest yokes grow up to 2 meters in the withers, and can weigh up to 1 ton. The deceptions of the bull’s body are very impressive. Bulls that are a bit older, can reach up to 4 meters in length.

The view of Yak is not good. The animal is seen as a manor plate from the relatives that dangle from its long, rough hair and almost close off its legs.

5 Asian Buffalo

With a weight of up to 1.27 tons, Asian Buffalo is one of the largest bull in the world. The buffalo grows up to 2m in withers and 3 meters in length, outgrowing all other bulls by a significant margin.

The large and occasionally curved horns of the Asian Buffalo can have a length up to two meters. They are present in both males and females, although females may or may not have horns. These buffalo can be found in Nepal, India, Thailand, Cambodia, and Ceylon.

As giants typically do, they are found at riverbeds. They take place most during the morning and evening hours. Their food source is the area’s water vegetation and they like cool water. At the hottest time of day, when the heat is literally unbearable for a long period of time, animals such as bison and buffaloes take refuge in the muddy swamps. Birds usually sit on the back of animals and pull ticks and other parasitic insects from them.

6 American Bison

The American Bison is one of the largest among its relatives, belonging to the bull breed. The size of bison can range from around 2 meters to 3 meters, with their weight reaching a maximum of 1.2 tons in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The American bison can be seen in both wild and domesticated areas.

The American Bison is a species of Bison, found native to North America. Their life expectancy is about 10–20 years, but some live to be older. The bison has much bigger humps on its shoulders, and larger heads than their African cousins. They also have longer beards as well as they develop thick coats in the spring and early summer against freezing temperatures and harsh winds.

7 Banteng

Banteng is one of the top ten highest-ranked bulls in the World. These animals are 190 centimeters on their shoulders and 2.5 meters long on average. The big bulls weigh 900 kilograms. Banteng have curved horns that grow to 70 centimeters in length.

It lives in the Borneo Islands, as well as Java and in Southeast Asia. The domesticated variety of its species is common across Indonesia, where they prefer to live with groups of up to 40 females and just one bull on average. On average, they have an expected life span of 25 years.

8 European Bison

With enormous size, they are also one of the largest bulls in the world. The European bison, among the largest bull breeds, is considered one of the last wild bulls in Europe. In withers, males can grow up to 188 centimeters in height, and the body can reach a length of 2.7 meters. Weighing close to 1 ton in weight, the bison are an impressive sight. The European bison population can be found throughout Spain, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia and Germany.

The main differences between European and American bison are size, appearance, bone structure, and horns. American bison are mainly larger, having an appearance that’s geared toward grazing while European bison browse.

9 African Buffalo

The African Buffalo is again one of the biggest bull breeds in the world and they are commonly found in Africa. They can reach up to 180 centimeters which is the size of their body by 3.4 meters, and they have a weight capacity that ranges between 1.2 tons and 1.5 tons (based on gender). They can graze all day, but grow more thirsty than most at around 4 kilometers away from their usual water source. This species grazes in the morning and evening, avoiding reservoirs that would usually be within 4 kilometers. They require fluids, so they experience regular needs for them.

At times of the day, an African buffalo can drink up to 40 liters of water to keep hydrated. Still, despite their thick skins that reach 2 centimeter thickness, these animals still suffer the effects of an insect invasion; birds help get rid of bloodsucking parasites which are sitting on the back of buffaloes and pull out pests from the buffaloes.

10 Kouprey

The Kouprey was an extinct animal that belonged to the biggest bulls in the world. The huge body of the Kouprey would be about 180 centimeters in height in the withers. With a body weight of up to 800 kilograms and with horns of almost 80 centimeters, the kouprey was an animal that was impossible for anyone to tame.

This species was poorly studied by people because these guards preferred to live a secretive life in the tropical forests of Asia. Male and female members of this species have distinctive features: males had a big block of hanging wool on their neck, while females did not have the same feature.

11 Aurochs

In the list of the world’s biggest bulls, the Aurochs are considered the predecessor of modern-day cattle, are no longer alive after the raging epidemic ripped through the planet in the 17th century. These animals were quite large, weighing up to 800 kilograms and measuring 180 centimeters as ridden in the withers.

The closest relatives of the Aurochs are considered to be similar to the Vatussi breed from Africa. Vatussi is a relative of the species, they have a very long, heavy set of horns that can extend up to 1.8 meters and weigh as much as 100 kilograms.

12 Carabao

This big bull is the one and only Carabao bull in this farmer’s yard. Carabao bulls have distinctive sickle-shaped horns and they are famed for their role in the rice fields so they are often referred to as the pinot farmer’s best friends. These are very versatile domestic swamp type water buffalo which are endemic to the Philippines and represent the Filipino’s hard work and perseverance. Characterized by a low-slung and wide body, the carabao species are usually drawn as biggest animals that weigh around 800-1100lbs, while the males can range up to 1124lbs.

The Carabao breed descended from Cambodian carabaos has contributed to the development of the Filipino breed. Some still have this ancient breed’s genes, like about 3% genes. This huge pig-like creature looks like a Carabao on steroids.

13 German Angus

One breed of cattle in the United Kingdom are called German Angus cattle. This specific breed of cattle came into existence after a combination (Crossbreeding) of Aberdeen Angus and different native German cattle breeds like the German Black PED, Geldves, and Fleckvis in 1950. The good news is that it is more massive than the original breed and has higher rates of weight gain and also has a weight range up to 600 to 1200 kg. It doesn’t come as a surprise that it is used for beef suckling in addition to vegetation management. The height doesn’t hurt either, around 140 cms. Angus cattle are medium to large sized animals that are always naturally hornless. They are usually black, dark brown, red or yellow-gray in coloration and with white markings. Being naturally hornless, easy and regular calving and well muscled.

14 Sibi Bhagnari

With their unique look, they are considered unique to Pakistan and during the festive season of EID ul Adha. Cow breeders use the Sibi Bhagnari bulls for their uniqueness, especially during this time of year, and recognize them as a rarest breed. The sheer size and height of the Sibi Bale Kuhs have fascinated people across the globe with the initial breeders of the cattle being located in civil Pakistan and Balochistan. It is said that they are spread exclusively to many regions across Pakistan and India.

The Siabhagani have a gray or white colored body with dark black stripes along their neck and tails along with their impressive humps. They have short, muscular necks, straight backs, small dulap that flap of skin around the neck and a broad chest. Sibi bhagnari has even more fascinating facts. It can weigh up to 3,500 lbs. which is 1,100 pounds more than Brahman and the same weight as an adult female Rhino.

15 Droughtmaster

With the characteristics of this breed, it is able to withstand drought, Tick-borne diseases and sun related damage. Droughtmaster cattle originated from North Queensland in Australia by crossing the British origin zebirin with another British origin, making it the first Australian bull to be crossbred. However, much work was done on the Droughtmaster breed by a breeder named R. L. Atkinson who gave them the name that would stick to this day. Their males are way bulkier than the females weighing over 2200 pounds, while the females weigh around 500 pounds at full maturity. They have short coats that are red by nature, horned or polled and have moderate humps.

The Droughtmaster bull produced so much beef that breeders had to cross them with local Pakistani Bhagnari breeds to improve and increase the breed variant. Droughtmasters are medium to large cattle with a medium maturity. They also have a sleek coat and good body length, and have an excellent reputation for their fertility, calving ease and maternal ability under harsh conditions.

16 Charolais

The Charolais bull is not the style and resemblance of the French. On average, they reach anywhere between 2200 to 3600 pounds. They make them an extremely heavy breed, coming in as one of the most massive cattle breeds in the world. The Charlie breed of the Charolais cattle is believed to be one of the oldest breeds in the world, being present even during the Jurassic period. It wasn’t until 16th and 17th century that they were fully accepted into farms around the famous district in France.

Charolais bulls are medium to large framed beef cattle that have a very deep and broad body. They are noted for their white or creamy coloring, horns, and massive size. Charolais, a bull breed of light-colored cattle developed in France for draft purposes. But this breed is now used mostly for beef production and also frequently used in crossbreeding.

17 Bazadaise

The French beef cattle Bazadaise breed takes its name from the town of Bazas in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of south-western France. The Fête de Boeufs Gras festival is held each year in Bazas to present fattened Bazadaise cattle. Bulls, who may be dark gray in color with a lighter saddle, cows are usually light gray with little shading. Calves are born in a wheat-colored coat and darken after weaning time.

In all cases, the muzzle and eyes are light and clear. Bazadaise bulls are long and have a good conformation with muscle development, a broad back and well-rounded rump.With an average weight of 750 – 1000 kilograms and at around 140 centimeters in height, Bazadaise is quite large. Bazadaise bulls are traditionally a draught breed and, today, they are mainly raised for beef.

18 Limousin

Limousin cattle are a type of beef cattle related to the Limousin region of France. In the 1960s, France exported hundreds of thousands of these cattle and they are present in over 70 countries today. The Limousin breed of bull is large and muscular, with structures designed for strength. Female Limousin might weigh more than average female bulls in the mark of 1433 pounds, while male cattle would have a weight up to 2204 pounds, which is huge but their birth weights are low, making their calves easier to care for.

The bull’s head is small and the neck is short, with a broad muzzle. The coat of the Limousin bull breed is a golden, red color with a lighter shade under their stomach, inner thigh, around their eyes and muzzle, and over the anus and end of their tail. The skin is also devoid of pigmentation. The Limousin’s horns are colored yellow at the base, and darken as it nears the tips. The horns start horizontal and then curve forward and upwards.

19 Belgian Blue

Belgian Blue is the first beef to have a hyper muscular physique, which is called “double muscling.” These cattle have an ultra-lean body and are extremely muscular, originated in central and upper Belgium. The weight for a Belgian Bull ranges from 1100-1250kg and has a height of 1.45m-1.50m. These aren’t rare in any way, with as many as 1300kg being common. Belgian Blue is a large sized animal with rounded outline, prominent muscles, and has shoulders, back, loin, and rump heavily muscled.

Traditionally, the Belgian Blue cattle are also known as Race de la Moyenne et Haute Belgique, Belgian Blue-White, Belgian White and Blue Pied, Belgian White Blue, Blue and Blue Belgian.

Belgian Blue has back straight, rump is sloping, tail set is prominent; not to mention the Belgian Blue’s skin being fine. It also has fine but strong legs. This condition results in lean meat due to the increased amount of muscle fibers. With normal muscle fiber growth, individual muscles would enlarge, but in this condition, there is interference with fat disposition; this causes lean meat.

20 American Brahman

Originally from India, the Brahmans were created by crossing Bos indicus with another breed. Three strains of Indian cattle were used to create this breed; Guzerat, Nelore and Gir. The hump over the top of the shoulder and neck are some distinguishing characteristics of Indian cattle including true Brahmans.

Brahmins are medium-sized compared to other beef breeds, typically weighing from 1600 to 2200 pounds and calves weigh 60 to 65 pounds at birth, but they grow rapidly and mature at the same weight as other breeds.

Brahmans come in a variety of colors from light gray to almost black. They are generally medium-gray or light in color when compared to cows which make them difficult to tell apart by just looking at their body shape. Adult bulls are darker because they often have dark areas surrounding their neck, shoulders and thighs.

21 Nelore

The Nelore breed originated over 2000 years ago when the Aryan people brought the ancestors of this breed to India. These ancestors were called Ongole, and were then renamed in Brazil by some authors as a synonym to Ongole. Nelore cattle originated in India (and later it is acknowledged in Brazil as a distinguished breed of cattles) and were first recognized in 1868 when a ship carrying two Ongoles from England to Brazil stopped in Salvador, Bahia.

The Nelore is a cattle breed that is part of the Bos indicus species and has characteristics such as a bumpy hump on their shoulders, loose skin and white in color with a black skin, muzzle, tail or weighing over 3000 pounds. Although they have long legs to help walk across water when grazing, they have shorter ears than other Bos Indicus breeds. The Nelore is also horned, with brown horns which point up but there is also a naturally polled strain of the breed.

22 Ankole-Watusi

Popularly known as the Ankole-Watusi in Central and East Africa where they have been domesticated, these bulls are usually regarded as the heaviest of Africa’s domesticated bovines. With a height of 6.6 feet and an average weight of 600 pounds, Ankole-Watusi bulls deserve to be named the world’s tallest breed of cow. What you’ll really miss on these bulls are not their horns, which can grow up to 2.5 meters long with one tip coming off a great distance in front of the other.

Their horns have made them into an attractive species, worth their weight in gold. These animals with horns that look cool and have the largest circumference help them survive in cold, hot or dry climates. The humpless cattle were brought to Germany as part of Europe’s backyard at the beginning of the 20th century because they are predators and adapt well to climatic seasons.

23 Belted Galloway

Belties are widely discussed amongst locals and breeders. Their coat is commonly described as either red or black with white spots, which explains the name. The origin of Belties is an unknown story—some say they came from Scotland but others are not so convinced. They’re also known for their ease of calving and adaptability to various climatic conditions. Some of the bigger bulls could weigh as much as 2000 pounds.

The Belted Galloway breed of cattle is defined by a white belt that encircles the animals, breeds color mostly black, dun or red in color. The distinctive white belt found in Belted Galloways varies in width and regularity but usually covers most of the body, from the shoulders to the hooks. In general, the contrast between black coat and the white belt sets this breed apart with its striking color pattern.

24 Chianina

The Chianina is an Italian breed of large white cattle. It was formerly principally a draught breed; it is now raised mainly for beef. The largest and one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world, the breed has seen a wide variety of environments. This is because they have been bred to be able to thrive in various environments, which has resulted in variable size and type from region to region.

The largest breed of cattle in the world, the Chianina, has been crossed with other breeds to create more composite breeds such as the Chiangus, Chimaine and the Chiford. The big-bodied cattle of this breed can grow up to 1150 to 1280 kg. Bulls can vary from dark gray around the front to steel gray in color and have black pigmented skin including a black tongue, nose and eye area, giving them excellent resistance to pinkeye and cancer of the eye

25 South Devon

South Devon came into existence around 400 years ago, in the area of Devon that is known as the South Hams. Thereafter It spread right across Devon and Cornwall. These breeds have a curly coat that can vary in color from the light red to dark, and sometimes mottled, they also have pink around their eyes, nose, and muzzle. The skin is extremely thick and soft. This breed of bull has horns but many people choose to get them removed. Horn removal is now being requested as more people are interested in this breed.

The South Devon bull breed is the largest of the British breeds, it has a large frame and is muscular in conformation. The head is broad, leading to a deep full body which weighs around 1200 kgs on average.