Haltija is a Finnish spirit or a protective entity in Finnish mythology. Haltijas are believed to live in ...

Ushi-oni is a type of yokai, a supernatural monster or spirit from Japanese folklore. It is typically depicted ...

The Maya civilization was an ancient civilization that lived in Central America and Mexico from 2000 BC to ...

The Gorgons of Greek mythology are considered to be some of the most frightening creatures to emerge from ...

The Yuki Onna is a widely recognized but obscure yokai from Japan. Her story varies, from being a ...

Adramelech, also known as Adrael, is a demon that is mentioned in various Judeo-Christian traditions, including the works ...

Minokawa is a legendary giant dragon-like bird in Philippine mythology that is said to be so large it ...

The Yokai, type of monster from Japanese mythology, are known for their diversity and wide range of forms. ...

Iku-Turso is a sea monster from Finnish mythology. It is often depicted as a giant, malevolent creature with ...

Throughout many ancient civilizations, love was considered to be the domain of an exclusive deity, usually a goddess, ...